The Viaduct VIII
The Viaduct VIII
Marianne Nix has been a Hampstead resident for a very long time, and sometimes finds her inspiration there. This oil painting on canvas is one her hampstead-inspired artworks, and shows the reflection of the surrounding plants onto the water of one of the ponds, near the Viaduct.
Hampstead Heath in North London today exists as a natural haven for wild life and the enjoyment of green spaces. In the 19th century, a local landowner and developer named Thomas Maryon Wilson wanted to turn Hampstead Heath into a private estate. He built the viaduct as part of a planned entrance into his estate. Local residents were aghast at Wilson's plans, and launched one of the first land preservation campaigns in Britain. The fight continues today.
Unique, Framed in dark wood.
Signed and dated 2021 in verso.
Oil, oil glazes, oil crayon on linen